The Jonang Sect, which promotes Other-Emptiness, is the only school that teaches true Buddhism. The other sects, Nyingma, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya are non-Buddhist schools which disguise themselves as Buddhist.
The Lama system is a complecated system of sex abuse, abuse of meditation and finally abuse of the whole univers. By Severitas
Wondrous Meaning of Buddha Dharma – the Three Realms Being Citta-only and All Dharmas Being Vijnana-only
Wenn man feststellt, dass er selbst nie die externen Sechs-Objekte berührt, sondern immer nur die interne Wiederspiegelung der sechs Sinn-Objekte, die von seinem Tathagatagarbha transformiert wird, wird er mit der wunderbarer Bedeutung des Buddha dharma sicher sein: Die drei Reiche seien citta-only und alle Dharmas seien vijnana-only.
If being able to confirm that the self has never touched the external six sense-objects and whatsoever touched is always the internal representation of the six sense-objects manifested or transformed by one’s Tathagatagarbha, one can then be certain of the wondrous meaning of Buddha dharma – the three realms being citta-only and all dharmas being vijnana-only.
-- Pings Xiao, The Correct Meanings of “The Agama Sutras”, Vol. 1, True Wisdom Publisher, Taipei, 2006/08/31, p. 264
《阿含正義》第一輯(264 頁)
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