Comment of TK.: ''Every single one of us makes mistakes and it is up to each of us to forgive,'' this lama said. But what we should know is where the lamas go, there will be abuses. To have sex with female followers is the important doctrine of Tibetan Buddhism.
@ Down the Crooked Path (Hidden Dangers of Meditation and the Pitfalls of the Guru/Disciple relationship)
Lama Choedak Rinpoche apologises
by FRANCES STEWART, Canberra Times, 1 May, 2011
Canberra, Australia -- THE HEAD of Canberra's Tibetan Buddhist community has apologised to members of the society after allegations he had sexual relationships with several women from the group emerged late last year.
The Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra's leader Lama Choedak Rinpoche called a special meeting of the society in December to apologise if ''changes that his personal life has gone through have caused any confusion'' before leaving the country for a retreat in Nepal.
A number of women associated with the society contacted the Sunday Canberra Times, alleging the former monk had sexual relationships with several female group members after saying he had separated from his wife.
The women said they were shocked to discover their ''spiritual leader'' was engaged in multiple affairs within the group because Lama Choedak was considered a ''respected teacher and family man'' in the ACT branch.
The women were also able to provide documents to the Sunday Canberra Times that showed complaints about Lama Choedak's conduct were met with stern warnings from senior foreign figures in the Tibetan Buddhist movement, who said talking to the media or telling new group members what had happened could be spiritually damaging and prevent other Canberrans from ''achieving enlightenment through buddhism''.
Lama Choedak, who is currently teaching at a retreat in Adelaide, did not respond to requests for an interview from the Sunday Canberra Times, but a representative said in a statement he ''made an unequivocal apology'' to the women involved, as well as group members. The women claimed Lama Choedak warned them not to reveal his indiscretions a sentiment echoed in the organisation's statement, which said exposure could harm ''families and children as well as someone who is presently in the midst of dealing with a life-threatening illness''.
Apologising at the December meeting, Lama Choedak told his followers, ''I am making this statement today as I care about all of you, and as we need to maintain our work together for the sake of dharma and new members''.
''Due to the personal nature of this matter and the need to protect the feelings of my children and other people concerned, I ask you all to respect our privacy. I know how many broken families there are, and they all need moral support and understanding.''
Lama Choedak told the group that rather than being angry, they should use the experience to improve themselves.
''Every single one of us makes mistakes and it is up to each of us to forgive,'' he said. ''Used wisely, such personal difficulties can lead us to a stronger and more stable refuge which we find within our own hearts and and minds.'
The sexual abuses disclosed by the media are only the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteThe public should not be kept in the dark and misled to a cult which claims itself Buddhism; everyone has the right to know the whole truth and make his or her free choice afterwards.
Tibetan Tantric Buddhism actually derived from Brahmanism Tantrism, a primitive religion which focused on the practices of reproduction worship and semen retention. The lamas who have committed the sexual misconducts are simply following their religion’s doctrines, which demand “religious practice of copulation” between female followers and male gurus, or copulation among male and female followers. Tibetan gurus have to fulfill the empowerment practice of the Highest Yoga Tantra before claiming themselves as lamas. They claim that these kinds of religious practice are not sexual misconducts and not considered a violation of the Buddhism precepts.
According to the lamas’ Samaya Precepts, lamas must be compassionate and help female followers to “become Buddha” by practicing the dual operations of bliss and emptiness. All the lamas are urged to have “love for all” and do their utmost to help all female followers to realize the “buddhahood” state.
Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is definitely not Buddhism.
There is an interesting article just published in Non-Duality magazine which includes some discussion of this story. See here:
ReplyDeleteAnd now an article from the Ven. Tenpa Bejanke Duim, one of the women responsible for the original newspaper article on Lama Choedak:
ReplyDeleteThis is an very shocking news for me..
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Wait till you know more about Tibetan Tantrism, regarding its nectar, empowerments, and their true intention about the Kalachakra Tantra. Be glad that you know the fact now. Good for you, keep courage, tell others about what you know, maybe you can prevent many potential victims from lamas' sexual assaults. Don't you think so?
ReplyDeleteWe are cheated into believing that the Lamaism is a sect of Buddhism. It is time to end the falsity. If everyone tells others about what he knows, our world will be peaceful.
ReplyDeleteActually, Tibetans commenting to the website of Chodak's Canberra sangha said that he had a reputation most of his life for being a womanizer, and his education fell far short of the level required to be a teacher, lama, Geshe or Rinpoche. In the Tibetan community in Dharamsala, he was neither "respected" nor a "teacher".
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect example of the need to do research before accepting someone as teacher, whether you're an individual, or a sangha looking for a teacher. Don't rush to hire anyone as your teacher. If possible, network with the Tibetan community in India, or go there yourself if you can, to find out what the gossip is about someone presenting him- or herself as a teacher.
My complement: Tibetan Buddhism is not Buddhism. If one is interested in Buddhist teachings, please keep far away from Lamas. They have no true Buddhist teachings, but tantric practice which will damage one's life and spirit.
DeleteIch denke es wäre naiv die Selbstverständlichkeit des "freien Willens", der freien Meinungsäußerung, oder gar der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter eines demokratischen Bürgertums auf die exiltibetische elitäre Priesterkaste zu übertragen.
ReplyDeleteDenn wählt ein Lama, Geshe oder Rinpoche eine Frau zu seiner Dakini, oder für seine religiösen-tantrischen Praktiken aus, hat sie sich geehrt zu fühlen und ein "NEIN" war in Tibet undenkbar und ist auch im Westen ein Affront sondergleichen.
Selbst hinter den umstrittensten Lamas, die sogar offiziell kritisiert werden mögen, wie z.B. Ole Nydahl, steht letztlich die ganze Sangha um den "wahren Dharma" gegen Kritiker und andere Feinde zu schützen.....
Die "freie Wahl" des Missionierers, und genau das sind die tibetischen Buddhisten im Westen auf's aggressivste, ist wohl eher im Reich der Mythen anzusiedeln......
Sich abwenden von einem Lama, Aussteigen aus dem tibetisch - buddhistischen Cult
Der wahre Dharma exisiert nicht im tibetischen Buddhismus. Denn sein Kernlehre, nämlich die tantrischen Praktiken, ist nie buddhistische Lehre.
DeleteUnd die "religiöse Freiheit" darf nicht als Ausrede der Verbreitung des Kults und dessen religiös sexuellen Missbräuche sein. Die falsche Religion gefährdet die Menschen und hat gar keine spirituelle Hilfe.
Situ Rinpoche
DeleteJa weil,....wir sind alle Buddhisten,sagt uns Situ Rinpoche. Das ist obligatorisch (verpflichtend). Ob man will oder nicht. Das ist der tibetische Buddhismus.
Yes because,....we are all Buddhists, is telling us Situ Rinpoche. That's obligatory. If we want or not. And that's the Tibetain Buddhism.
What the Situ Rinpoche said, is nothing different from the normal teachers of elementary school. If this is Buddhist Dharma, needs Buddha Shakyamuni to teach his followers for 49 years?
DeleteWas der Situ Rinpoche sagt, macht keinen Unterschied zu den Lehrern der Grundschule. Wenn das der Buddhistische Dharma wäre, braucht Buddha Shakyamuni 49 Jahre, die wahre Buddhistische Dharma zu lehren?
Sich abzuwenden von einem missionarischen Lama, auszusteigen aus dem tibetisch- buddhistischen Kult, ist somit ein denkbar schwieriges Unterfangen zumal der Westen auf allen Augen blind ist,was die "einfachene, exotischen Bettelmönche" betrifft.
ReplyDeleteDu bist aber ein von den Menschen, deren Augen NICHT blind sind. Sag bitte die anderen weiter, sich von den Lamas abzuwenden und dem tibetischen Kult auszusteigen. Danke sehr!
DeleteEs soll natürlich heißen : Die "freie Wahl" ist für den Missionierer, und genau das sind die Lamaisten des destruktiven Kultes aus Tibet,wohl im Reich der Mythen anzusiedeln, wie alles Menschliche.
ReplyDeleteWenn wir davon schon wissen, dass der Lamaismus ein destruktiver und sexueller Kult ist, müssen wir den Menschen alle Informationen vorlegen. Wenn sie sich dann entscheiden, in die sexuelle Falle zu gehen, ist es erst ihre "freie Wahl".
DeleteA murderer or a robber, who kills or harms others for only this life time; but the teachings of Tibetan Tantrism give erroneously messages under the guise of Buddhism, the poisonous misconception that Buddhist cultivation must be done via the pursuit of sexual pleasure will terminate sentient beings' wisdom-life of the dharmakaya 法身慧命 for countless future lives. The consequence is too serious to be ignored.
ReplyDeleteWe could not turn a blind eye to the fact that lamas, who depend on Buddhism and at the same time steal Buddhism's resources, claim themselves to be "dharma-kings" and destroy the Buddha's dharma. Meanwhile so many innocent females have been victims of lamas misconducts. Now is the highest moment that the public have to be resolute to face this issue.
It is the highest moment to end the misleading of Tibetan Buddhism. You are absolutely right.
DeleteIt is also the highest moment to stop the lamas who claim themselves to be "dharma-kings" and abuse female followers sexually.
Liebe Freunde, warum schreibt ihr alle so verbittert? Habt ihr eure Frauen an die tibetischen Buddhisten verloren?
ReplyDeleteDu sollst die Fragen an Lamas stellen:
DeleteWarum macht ihr den Tantra Sex zum Kernpraktik des tibetischen Buddhismus?
Warum missbraucht ihr die Frauen für euren spirituellen Zweck?
Jeder hat die Freiheit NEIN zu sagen oder ? Oder seid ihr verbittert, dass ihr doch nicht die Auserwählten sind :-)