
Why Conditioned Phenomena are Impermanent? (Part 3 of 5)

(Foto: qdm.ks.edu.tw )

We rely so much on our conscious mind, seemingly, it represents eternity while we are still alive; but if we dig deeper in accordance with the Buddhist teachings, the worldly phenomena are truly impermanent as the Buddha repeatedly stated. And behind all the changing dharmas, the everlasting entity – the Buddha nature remains unstirred by the worldly six sense-objects yet coexists unceasingly in every individual. Even after one’s death, his Buddha nature still remains; therefore, a future lifetime could be formed according to his karmic force. 

The tricky thing here is that, though all worldly phenomena are impermanent, the morally determinate (有記性) deeds we have performed every life will certainly carry on to the future lifetimes. And the show will go on, we still will tend to enjoy sensations, excitements, in terms of Buddhism, this is called “accumulation” that gathers the cause for our future lifetimes. As we have experienced, not all sensations lead to positive results, then we have to face sufferings. These are the teachings of the Four Noble Truths – sufferings, accumulation, path, and cessation; these are the main practices for the Hinayana practitioners (sravaka 聲聞) to eliminate self-view 斷我見. Many of you must be quite familiar with these terms already. 

It all relies on the Buddha nature that our cyclic births and deaths could be substantiated; it is also due to our ill-informed nature that we are unaware of the Truth, so we just keep playing around life after life and we are fooled by our temporary conscious mind which exists only one lifetime. We do not remember our past lives, but in a way, we have to suffer somehow for something we do not know the reasons why, it is because we did sow the seeds in the past. 

It is the key focus of Buddhist teachings to enlighten every individual to see the ins and outs of existence. (part 3 of 5)

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