(Photo: http://depositphotos.com/5638627/stock-photo-Fitness-woman-in-fighting-stance.html)
© Anonymous, August 24, 2013 at 4:05 PM (http://tantrismuskritik.blogspot.tw/2013/04/protokoll-der-verhandlung-von-marte.html?showComment=1377547883674#c2576772347169634416")
Thank you for sharing your story. It helps to understand that was happened was not only my own fault. And it makes it even more important for myself to inform about this man who calles himself a lama.
I have been sexually abused by Ole Nydahl myself. There was a age difference of about 40 years between us when he had sex with me and I was in very difficult circumstances, feeling unsure about myself, my future and my life in general. I feel that he totally misused my faith and longing for a more meaningful life and my openness as a student. It seemed to me that letting him have sex with me was what I had to do in order to please my teacher and in order to learn and to improve myself. I did several therapies to try to get over these experiences but the wounds are still deep and I would warn strongly everybody to get near this man who cannot control his sexual desire and misuses his own students for his pleasure. He did not care if I wanted to sleep with him or not, sometimes woke me up in the middle of the night, just to have sex and misused my sense of feeling tired, overpowered and general sense of not feeling strong about myself and my live. How this person can be considered a spiritual teacher is what I cannot understand any more. I find his behaviour extremely irresponsible, careless and dangerous. I am thankful that this blog exists and whish I would have been informed before so I would not have made these very difficult experiences.
--------------------------- Readers Comments ---------------------------
Marte-Micaela Riepe, August 26, 2013 at 5:10 PM
When it is possible foe you let my comment on DI through! You know I am not Buddhist but an angel of revenge! :-))
"It seemed to me that letting him have sex with me was what I had to do in order to please my teacher and in order to learn and to improve myself.”
Thatshould be handled like a crime. In Germany we call it “Unzucht mit Abhängigen”. But as far as the whole lot of the ugly and disgusting lamas is not forced to keep a normative codex like teachers, psychotherapists and doctors there is no way to send them up or to withdraw teaching.
“I did several therapies to try to get over these experiences but the wounds are still deep and I would warn strongly everybody to get near this man who cannot control his sexual desire and misuses his own students for his pleasure. He did not care if I wanted to sleep with him or not, sometimes woke me up in the middle of the night, just to have sex and misused my sense of feeling tired, overpowered and general sense of not feeling strong about myself and my live. How this person can be considered a spiritual teacher.”
Shame on you, Ole Nydahl, shame on you! You really are a dirty old and greedy for sex bum and be sure, I would cut off your cock if I could! Shame on you! How many broken souls you have still left?
Until today I was “protecting” you of “roumors” like such around Sogyal and others because I did not experienced and watched it when I was in DW. But this testimony shows me you are a tantric programm totally out of control and it would be better four all you would not exist.
That´s what I really think. Again, shame on you, bastard!
TK. August 26, 2013 at 9:40 PM
Lamas cannot control their sexual desires because tantric sutras teach them to have sex every day. To have sex with women is their obligation. They think they could be enlightened when they don't ejaculate, obtain the sexual bliss as long as they can and don't aware sexual bliss is sexual bliss.
Lamas need a lot of women to practice tantric sex. Furthermore, tantric sutras teach them to use violence if women reject to have sex with them. That's why there are sexual abuses all over the world.
I am sorry to hear your story. But, do you know that? You are SO brave to speak out your experiences, and a lot of women will be warned and get away from Tibetan Buddhism. This is the best thing you can do! Don't cry in darkness. Speak out the truth of Tibetan Buddhism which will lick your wounds.
Thanks for your sharing. You are really very GREAT and BRAVE! Don't cry! Be strong!
Christiane, August 27, 2013 at 4:11 AM
Thank you so much for your open and moving report.
Men who practice tantric rituals - Tibetan Lamas and Rinpoches belong to this group - have no compassion and are merciless. They behave like addicts. Their drugs are sex und abuse of women in different forms. Addicts take their drugs whenever they want and need them, and they need them nearly all the time, regardless of consideration that there is another human being with a body and a soul. The woman is not a subject but an object that has to be used in the tantric doctrine.
You are very brave to tell your story. I know these terrible degrading and wounding feelings very well. So it is a great step to report openly what happened to you. Perhaps you are an example for other women also to tell the truth about the "smiling" Lamas.
I hope you are sane again and that you can live your life in freedom and with deep respect of other people.
Im Gegensatz zum thread auf Dialogue Ireland ist hier klar ersichtlich, dass die Betroffenengeschichte über den "Sexual Abuse by Ole Nydahl" und der Kommentar von M.M. Riepe zwei unterschiedliche Personen sind.
ReplyDeleteEs ist mir nicht nachvollziehbar warum es nicht für notwendig erachtet wird . dies auf DI richtig zustellen.
Muß sich erst die Betroffene selbst zu Wort melden und Respekt vor ihrer persönlichen Geschichte einfordern?
Also nochmals, es wird auf DI der Anschein erweckt, als wäre die anonyme Schreiberin der Betroffenengeschichte und die Kommentatorin ein und die selbe Person. das ist kein korrekter Umgang mit Betroffenengeschichten....
Danke für die Klärung des Mißverständnisses im Vorhinein.
Altera Sophia
dear one, thank you for your openness and sharing. i have had very much the same experience with a teacher and very much value your sharing. after a lot of healing sessions and psychological work i still suffer deeply in my sole from the abuse of my trust and the misuse of the innocent love i had to my teacher. it created a huge amount of pain, anger, hatred and aggression i am feeling physically and mentally in my body. at the moment i am looking for a practice to heal this wound so it can become a stepping stone rather than something which is destroying my being. i am asking is there any open source on a practice to heal the wound and working with the anger and aggression. after practicing compassion and metta for by know three years intensively i have to admit, did not work so far. i am looking for a tantra practice which is working with the pain and the hatred by using it as a source, instead of suppressing it or trying to transform it with metta and compassion since it did not work so far. i know there is a practice in tandra (lefthandtandra) but do not know the actual method (what to basically do). is there somebody whom would be so kind to share with me where i can find such practice or send it by email to healingabuse@power.ms. an open source would be best but anything you feel could help is good, or share your own experience with the healing power of the practice you found to heal your deepest pain. all is welcome.with love to you all...devi
ReplyDeleteThe tantra practice is the worst trying to work with the pain caused by tantric Buddhism (= Tibetan Buddhism / Lamaism). They have the same root.
DeleteThe best way is the orthodox Buddhism. But as I know, most of the Western women do not believe in orthodox Buddhism after they are hurt by tantric Buddhism. Therefore, it's to suggest to go to heal center or psychologists.
Deletedo I understand you properly you were sexual and emotional misabused by your teacher and as the result you feel pain, hatred and agressions in your body and soul? Or was there also a meditation practise involved, led by that teacher?
Then it is a complex programming and difficult to overcome. It needs a funded psychologic therapie which works with drop-outs of cults, you need to achieve a cognitive, normative and emotional distance BY YOUR OWN WORK. No healing practise will ever be a success.
To work with practises of the left-handed tibetan Lamaism would mean to replace one evil with another. Take care of yourself! For contact: kairos_@freenet.de
Hi, Marte,
DeleteI read what you encountered from some Chinese blog. I believe I encountered similar things as you, no on believe me even my husband. This ghost not only use my body, but also affect my brain thinking as well as emotions. Even my children, sometimes they talk to me some very strange words like they are being used by that ghost to convey some information to me. After he most serious assault, I almost went to suicide and mentally ill.
Until now, my body still feels being assaulted by some power, even my lips can move not by my own like some "person" touching it. It's so disgusting to mention it.
And I feel being monitored from many ways, at least internet access and smarphone.
Currently I'm mostly worried about my kids who are both below 10, as an adult, we can fight by our own mental power, but my kids, if they encounter some mental disorder, they even don't know speak them out. Thinking of this, I'm full of anger and wish those ghost being punished.
Deletemay I give just a few advices due to the lifestyle which we need to follow with an altered state of mind:
The most important of all ist to avoid any kind of outer stress as far it is possible. So it is not helpful trying to convice people, even your husband , of the truth or logical validity of your experiences. They know as much about it as the man in the moon.
Try to find calm and peaceful moments, just for you alone. It is useful to switch between people´s company and loneliness. In the case of feeling overwhelmed by the ghost when you are alone just shout as loudly as you can, whatever, I shouted "No".
In the state of depersonalisation, when you feel strange in body, thinking and emotions, cold water has an effect or strong body training like fighting arts. It could bring relief for a moment like all grounding techhniques, for example working in a garden. All what you like to do, nothing, really nothing, what you don´t like. That´s the greatest challenge.
The conception of those phenomena are very different worldwide. In my eyes the Hindu culture has gathered a lot of knowledge and reflected experiences, so I would advice to read the book of Lee Sanella, who was an American psychiatrist with own experiences.:
It´s a quite complicated stuff!
What I said about Buddha and destructive feelings: Of course we have them. To overcome it is a process which takes time and one should take the time she or he is needing for. To see it like a must, a must which has to be realised now and today, is one of the greatest stress we can ever produce.
I wish you all my best!
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteof course I believe in your statements, but be aware that most of the people around you are not ready to understand your contemporary state of mind.
Let me explain those kind of experiences from my point of view:
What you call a gost I call a psycic parasite which emerges in one´s mind out of concurrent causes, for example the experience of deep meditations or state of trance, or out of extraordinary experiences like trauma while your lifetime.
Another reason could be an influence of a person with a dissolved or dissociated state of mind like Gurus or Shamans.
As a result of all this phenomena arise as you described:
"This ghost not only use my body, but also affect my brain thinking as well as emotions."
It feels like a strange personality which is overwhelming your own one and makes you act , think and feel you don´t want to. The most important reaction is to keep a inner strengt and the ability to distinguish your own will from the "will" of the psycic parasite and at least to follow your own intentions. It is a hard work.
It would go too far to say, sometimes it is helpful to follow the intentions of the ghost. That means to have developed a competence to switch between your I and the individual or collective subconscious - here represented by the ghost - in a healing manner.
You said:
"Even my children, sometimes they talk to me some very strange words like they are being used by that ghost to convey some information to me."
Please believe me, your children never say that kind of strange words, never! You only listen that kind of words, mostly dirty or threatening, like they would come from your children, but it is only a phenomenon, an acustic halluzination, of your altered state of mind. Be aware of it!!!
It is hard to life with it, but you can.
"After he most serious assault, I almost went to suicide and mentally ill."
No, you will not suicide or be mentally ill if you understand the inner conceception of your experiences and phenomena and learn to balance them like I have learnt it.
"And I feel being monitored from many ways, at least internet access and smarphone."
Your altered state of mind produces a lot of more electromagnetic energy as a mind usually does. So the phenomema just exits and can be extremely tired out, but it is nothing more with it.
"Currently I'm mostly worried about my kids who are both below 10, as an adult, we can fight by our own mental power, but my kids, if they encounter some mental disorder, they even don't know speak them out."
I think, your kids are allright. Don´t worry, be happy to have some wonderful kids. Enjoy the time with them and try to hide your inner fights away of them. That´s hard but important.
"I'm full of anger and wish those ghost being punished."
That anger or rage is understandable but the worsest you can create. Anger and rage are feeding the ghost and make hin stronger. Are you buddhist? Try to follow Buddhas wise words about destructive feelings and you will reach a desinterested position towards the ghost.
Me, as a christian, I love it.
ReplyDeleteI have impression, that not Martha Micaela Riepe help, she is the person, what killed your mind with her mixed mind again.
She will to be the nummer one.
All good for you Marthe Micaela Riepe, but forgett not yooouuuur cleaned
mind, where is nothing to find without my childrenagemix.
My next Inkarnation is by you or not.
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteit would be very helpful to come out with your identity!
What do you know about my mind, and what is the meaning of " there is nothing to find without my childrenagemix."
I don´t believe in re-inkarnation, but when you say: "My next inkarnation is by you or not." it sounds a little bit like stalking through aeons, don´t you think so? :-):