The Jonang Sect, which promotes Other-Emptiness, is the only school that teaches true Buddhism. The other sects, Nyingma, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya are non-Buddhist schools which disguise themselves as Buddhist.
The Lama system is a complecated system of sex abuse, abuse of meditation and finally abuse of the whole univers. By Severitas
TK comments: The couple practice statues of Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism) are the most disrespectful images to Buddhism. The tantric practice of Lamaism is the most dangerous teaching in the world. Pure Buddhists call on Western societies to stay far away from lamas and their teachings.
Campaign calls on tourists to boycott Buddha souvenirs
A campaign group in Thailand is calling on tourists to stop buying tacky memorabilia bearing Buddha's image. They argue such blatant commercialization of their religion is disrespectful.
(TK. comments: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying does not have anything to do with Buddha Dharma. Neither Lama Sogyal nor any other lamas know the secret of living and dying. A person who does not get enlightened does not know anything about life and death. It means, only Boddhisattva who finds his Alayavijnana knows something about life and death. The lama Sogyal cheats Western citizens with his book.)
Chris Chandler hat auf dem Anti-Kult-Portal "dialogueireland" Lifton's acht Kriterien zur Korretur der Gedanken in Bezug auf den tibetischen Buddhismus - Lamaismus dargelegt. Sie kennt die inneren Vorgänge sehr genau, da sie lange Anhängerin des Lamaismus war. Ich halte die Ausführungen für so interessant und wichtig für jedermann, dass ich mich entschlossen habe, sie nach bestem Wissen zu übersetzen. -- Christiane
How great and precious! The shrines of Buddha and Boddhittvas! It's not easy to see them at one time, in one place. The True Enlightenment Practitioners Association held a relic ceremony on September 8, 2013, for shrines of Buddha Shakyamuni, Avalokiteśvara, and Boddhisattva Xuanzang.
To reveal the truth of lamaistic tantric sex is also like this.
How danger it is, how brave and courageous a Bodhisatta is.
Yes, it’s important to guard our lives.
But a person with compassion will risk his life to guard others.
Der Aufsatz "Protokoll einer Verhandlung von Marte-Micaela Riepe" unter ist abgesetzt vom Google Team.
Das Protokoll ist ein Report, wie Lama Ole Nydahl seine Rolle als spiritueller Lehrer ausnützt, um sexuell Zugang zu seinen Schülerinnen zu bekommen.
The site article under is deleted by Google Team. Here is a partly copy.
Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA) -- In the spirit of truth seeking as supposedly prescribed by the historical Buddha, Eugene Trak’s promotional Daily column for the upcoming visit of Lama Ole Nydahl, Thursday’s “Traditional teachings, modern style,” demands criticism.
Yes, meditation can be beneficial for your mind, your body and the relationship between the two. Yes, studying the nature of mind can have positive results for one’s self and the people one directly influences.
But these facts and practices, when coming from the likes of Ole Nydahl and his Diamond Way sect, are impossible to unwrap from institutional religion and the dangers of committing one’s self within its framework.
Dieser Artikel wurde 2001 in der Schweiz veröffentlicht, und zwar in der SonntagsZeitung aus Zürich. Dagegen klagte der Anwalt Ole Nydahls und es kam zu einem Vergleich. Diesen Vergleich hat nun der Anwalt als Kopie an Google geschickt, um dort zu erreichen, dass dieser Text von Google entfernt wird. In dem Anschreiben an Google, welches mir vorliegt, wird behauptet, dass der Vergleich dahingehend formuliert worden sei, dass dieser Artikel nirgendwo mehr veröffentlicht werden dürfe.
TK comments:
The last stage of practions of Tibetan Buddhism is the couple-practice which even Shamparpa could not deny. The sexual practice is the main and essential doctrine of Tibetan Buddhism.
What we should ask is: Did Buddha teach his followers the sexual practice? If not, why has Tibetan Buddhism these teachings? Where did they derive from? All of us know that Tibetan Buddhism is a mix of Hinduism and Bön. Then we should ask the next question: Is Buddhism derivative? The answer is: NO. The orthodox Buddhism NEVER changes his essential doctrine. The Alayavijnana [store vijnana] is always the essence of Buddhism.
Based on this essence, all teachings of Buddhism teach his followers to get away from the negative emotions, wordly desires like sex... All these teachings/practions are preparing for getting enlightment.
This letter is my response to two questions that I have been asked by many people. The first question concerns Lama Ole Nydahl. Since Lama Ole frequently explains the connection between Dharma and sex, emphasizing that the bliss of sex is the experience of mind, the question has arisen as to why I continue to support him. The second question is why the Bodhi Path Centers I organized are not Vajrayana. What follows here is a combined answer to both questions.
(Sarah Baughn is among five women who have sued Bikram Choudhury amid allegations of rape and sexual harassment)
Women who claim the founder of wildly popular Bikram yoga raped and sexually assaulted them have revealed how they were attacked during intense retreats where they witnessed sordid massages, sexual harassment and verbal abuse.
Mönche der Karma Dorje Shugden Sekte benützen mich, eine zwangsmissionierte Europäerin, die sie von einer "Dharma Feindin" zu einer "Dharma Schützerin" verkehren wollen, gegen die kritischen Bücher von Goldner, Waldvogel- Frei und den Trimondis, wie auch gegen kritische Websites wie "Tantrismuskritik" und "Lamaism Discussion" auf Dialogue Ireland wie auch gegen die Personen diese Bücher und wwebsites betreiben oder darauf schreiben.
TK comments:
This is a book to reveal the true face of Dalai Lamas. The Author, Prof Liu, Xue-Diao, is retired from Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, ROC(中華民國蒙藏委員會)while he was the chief secretary of the Commission. His carrier makes him know Tibetan affairs very well. On the other hand, he teaches as Professor at Chung Yuan Christian University, Fu Jen Catholic University and Chinese Culture University, etc. His scholar background makes “Issues of Tibet” professional and critical. In this book, Prof Liu analyzes the issues of Tibet with historical material, and makes his observations to announce readers that Taiwan should not be one of the chessman of XIV Dalai Lama for his purpose.
"A Buddhist Master beloved by millions uses his position and authority to take advantage of young women. For over three decades, complaints are dismissed as the grumblings of the uninitiated. A Guru focused on his own pleasure turns the path to enlightenment into the road to sexual servitude." -- By Debi Goodwin
Trailer - IN THE NAME OF ENLIGHTENMENT - Sex Scandals In Religion - Buddhism Episode
In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Volume 7, the Buddha says to Kasyapa,
"Seven hundred years after my entering Parinirvana, this Marapapiyas will spoil the true dharma. It is like a hunter donning priestly garb; Marapapiyas will also act thus. He will present himself in the form of a bhiksu, bhiksuni, upasaka or upasika, or he will display himself as a srotapanna or even as an arhat or living Buddha. The flawed body of King Mara will present itself as a flawless body and damage the true dharma."
Tibetan Buddhism is NOT a "religion" but a cult of sexual and financial exploitation by Lamas. They were and are spreading their doctrines and their "religion" by the thousands of centers throughout the world. It is a evil cult of sexual abuse, while it pretends to be Buddhism.
He’s adorable, yes, but just what is the Dalai Lama accomplishing?
Everyone loves the Dalai Lama. Just how much was on display two weeks ago when the Tibetan religious leader paid a visit to the town of Tawang in northeastern India. Ethnic Tibetans travelled to the frontier outpost from all over the sub-continent in order to venerate the 74-year-old monk at a huge outdoor rally. “He is our god, he is the living Buddha. A glimpse of the Dalai Lama is like getting spiritual power inside you,” said one participant in explaining the extraordinary adulation the Dalai Lama inspires. Here in Canada, our view is not so different. When the Dalai Lama travelled to Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal last month, tens of thousands crowded into stadiums to hear his message of universal compassion. The rapturous reception was in keeping with our decision in 2006 to grant him citizenship, the highest honour Canada bestows on foreign leaders. The Dalai Lama’s other admirers include the U.S. government, which awarded him the Congressional Gold Medal, and the Nobel Peace Prize committee. The general feeling of Lama-mania was summed up by TV star Sandra Oh, who co-hosted one of his Canadian appearances. “He’s a rock star! Rock star! Seriously, a rock star!”
(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) What is the website Drelwa Online all about? “Drelwa” in Tibetan means “connection.” Established in 2006, the mission of Drelwa Online revealed from leaked internal documents is “to engage in internet mobilization, whereby bringing in line the understanding of Tibetan youths residing within China as well as Tibetans-in-exile such that together they can take up the cause of ‘Free Tibet.’” This mission underpins the work of Tsering Wangmo, “sister Dolma,” to infiltrate and incite Chinese netizens, Tibetan netizens in particular so as to collect Chinese intelligence and instigate disturbances by spreading rumors. In other words, Drelwa Onlineand Dolma are both mouthpieces for the Tibet independence movement.
The big LED sign board displays outside the wall of the Enlightenment Educational Foundation building at the 10th floor since 2011, 24 hours on. (Both in Chinese and English. Everyone can see it at a distance within 300 meters.) Here in English:
(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei) In the summer of 2012, young Tibetan lama Tudan Badeng was stirred up by “sister Dolma” of Drelwa Online to the point of thinking, “if I do want to self-immolate, it shouldn’t be casually done.” To this thought, Dolma immediately responded approvingly saying, “Self-immolation takes courage and preparation, and should not be done rashly; if a person is going to die that death should be of value …”
Only bodhisattvas have the ability to protect the huge castle of true Buddhism and uphold all Buddhas’ dharmas because bodhisattvas have the great wisdom and the empowerment from Buddhas. The empowerment means the blessings from Buddhas. Without the blessings from Buddhas, bodhisattvas would not be able to achieve the varied dharmas. Thus, bodhisattvas can give the Lion’s Roar—that is, bodhisattvas loudly preach the great Buddhahood-Way; in addition, bodhisattvas can completely refute the evil dharmas which mislead sentient beings, and eliminate the evil dharmas from Buddhism. This is called the Lion’s Roar.